Archive for the ‘Creativity’ Category

The Saga Of Biorn

“Biôrn, an old Viking, is determined to reach Valhalla, the warrior’s afterlife full of excessive drinking and debauchery. To gain entry he has to die honorably in battle, but he discovers that the right death isn’t so easy.”

Frank the Tank

Some guys wanted to go on a road trip and bought a mini-van for 300$ but they never left the parking lot… here is why:

Happy New Year 2011

Compared to the past 10 years this winter seems exceptionally white and cold in central europe. But seems it is nothing compared to this Blizzard Timelapse, filmed in Belmar, NJ (at the Jersey Shore just south of Asbury Park) this december:

P.S.: Happy New Year everyone!!

World Trip Inspiration

If i ever go on a world trip (and i hope i will soon) then it should be clear what i am going to do to share with everyone afterwards! These guys are my favorites so far…



What would you do if you went on a world trip?

P.S.: I know those have been around the net for quite some time. I never really mentioned them though – so here is the long due respect…

Genetic Algorithms for Starcraft 2

Some dude actually applied genetic algorithms (searching an optimal solution to a problem by evolution) to find the best build order to a Rush on Starcraft 2. And its amazing that the algorithm actually revealed such a tactic, that more astonishing “violates several well-known (and well-adhered-to) heuristics used by Starcraft players when creating builds” – which means it has not been that much investigated by players yet. Why is this amazing? Because in a quick video the tactics shows to be extremely effective – making the player win 17 out of 20 within the first few minutes…



Google Translate Beatboxing

Listen Google Translate beatboxing:

bsch. bsch. bk zk pv zk bschk pv zk zk bsch zk ktkt pv bscht zk ktkt haus.

Just play that line back in German Language. Oh, and even though i wasnt the one who found that out, the line above is actually created by me, so i am just waiting for someone sampling it in their next tracks and sharing some income. Rewind Selecta Baby!

Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie


Infographic Coins

Coins that visually give you an idea about their value especially if combined with other coins – good idea. Better idea in the comments though: to have them being magnetic so you can collect them on your fridge. Funny, that people worry about the magnetism damaging your usb stick or sim card… geez… i am more worried about my clothes getting cut by those sharp edges!

via Yanko Design

Artistic Music Clip


Tesla : My Inventions

A short movie about the interesting life of Nikola Tesla, inventor of Alternating Current (AC) Electricity and wireless communication and of course inspiration to the tesla coil musicians ArcAttack.

My Inventions from Robert Holbrook on Vimeo.

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